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Friday 26 August 2016

6 High Cholesterol Foods To Avoid For Weight Loss And Better Health

High Cholesterol Foods To Avoid For Weight Loss And Better Health


High Cholesterol Foods To Avoid For Weight Loss

High Cholesterol Foods To Avoid For Weight Loss : Do you live for a meal of French fries and a double cheeseburger? Does the very thought of fried chicken, buttered homemade biscuits and chocolate meringue pie make your mouth water. If these are typical meals then it's about time you discovered which high cholesterol foods to avoid if you want to keep your heart and body as healthy as possible.

Although there are many high cholesterol foods to avoid there is no way to eliminate all of the cholesterol in your diet. In fact your liver is constantly manufacturing cholesterol because this substance is a necessary part of good health.The biggest problem with cholesterol is the fact that it is a sticky, gummy type of fat. As cholesterol circulates in your bloodstream it tends to cling to the interior walls of your arteries and veins.
Over a period of time this buildup of cholesterol can create large areas of plaque. The plaque can obstruct the flow of blood to your heart, lungs and brain. If a tiny portion of this plaque should break free it can be trapped in a major artery, block the blood flow and cause a stroke or a heart attack.
Cholesterol is useful because it helps your body produces essential hormones. Cholesterol is even an integral part of the daily digestive process. You can't live without cholesterol so the best path is to learn the high cholesterol foods to avoid and then stick with your chosen diet plan.
For the best health you need to learn more about the role cholesterol plays in your life. This will allow you to respect cholesterol and not live in fear of it. Eliminating the foods that are packed with cholesterol and animal fat is a necessary step to take, but you do not have to try and get rid of all food choices just because they contain some amount of cholesterol.

Red meat and egg yolks are at the top of the list of high cholesterol foods to avoid. You don't have to give up these types of foods altogether, but you will have to discover how to use them in moderation. There are two classes of lipoproteins that serve as transport systems for the cholesterol that is in your body. One of these is called LDL (low-density lipoproteins) and the other is HDL (high-density lipoproteins).
High density Lipoproteins are considered the ‘better' form of cholesterol because the fat does not separate from the transporting protein and block the blood vessels. Doctors encourage a diet that helps elevate the HDL numbers. Conversely the LDL is referred to as the 'bad form of cholesterol'. This number needs to be low for the best cardiovascular health.

Those high cholesterol foods to avoid are all derived from animal protein. Even chicken and fish can contain significant levels of cholesterol, especially if you are eating the skin of these animals.
Dairy products such as cheeses, whole milk and butter are some of the other common sources of dietary cholesterol.

High cholesterol foods to avoid include processed foods that contain saturated fats. You should also eliminate as many of the trans-fatty acids from your diet as possible. Trans-fats are a major contributor to the national high cholesterol problem.

Regardless of where that cholesterol originates this substance has to make its way through your bloodstream. As it circulates the cholesterol is able to be absorbed and used by those cells that need it. Remember that the inner core of cholesterol is the same in both HDL and LDL. However it is the protein associated with the cholesterol that determines whether it will be high-density or low-density.
In both good cholesterol and bad cholesterol, the cholesterol is the same; what makes it good or bad is the type of lipoprotein it is inside. Among some of the popular high cholesterol foods to avoid in your daily diet are such choices as:
  • Bacon
  • Marbled red meat
  • Liver, kidneys, and other organ meats
  • Lard
  • Dairy products made with whole milk
  • Products that include palm oil, coconut oil or palm kernel oil

While you need to know which high cholesterol foods to avoid there are many healthy food options that are delicious and nutritious. Look for foods made from whole wheat. Include fresh fruits and veggies in your dietary program because these contain Zero cholesterol. Opt for skim milk, 2% or fat-free milk and avoid the cholesterol laden whole milk altogether. Canola oil, safflower oil or olive oil are much healthier options to consider for your cooking purposes.
Check those product labels before you buy. These labels contain lots of information about the nutritional content of the foods and cooking products that you are selecting. Learn different cooking techniques such as stir-fry and steaming. These will help you produce wonderful dishes that are low in calories and low in cholesterol.

You should have a simple and inexpensive blood test performed at your physician's office so that you will know what your exact cholesterol numbers are. This will give you a chance to see what you need to address in your daily diet. As soon as you begin to recognize those high cholesterol foods to avoid and limit their use in your own diet you can begin to reverse your cholesterol problem and start reclaiming your health.




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